
East Florence Moore Hall at Stanford University held its The Game for 2008 on Friday May 9th through Saturday May 10th. I wrote and organized The Game and want to make a permanent record of the evening's events. This was my first ever Game Control and it was an amazing experience.

This year's The Game was themed Clue (more like the board game than the movie, but it certainly took inspiration from the movie as well.) Gamers found themselves solving the murder of Mr. Boddy by collecting clue cards as they traveled.

The point of this website is threefold. First, it is meant to allow participants to share their experiences with their friends and brag about their accomplishments. Second, it is meant to inspire people who didn't play to play future Games. Lastly, it is meant as an inspiration and resource for future Game Controls, who are encouraged to take ideas for the puzzles documented here.

Overall, I think The Game was a tremendous success and a great experience of novice freshman gamers and grizzled veterans alike.

-Josh Dillon

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